about us
Twenty years ago, we began as a very small retailer that only sold clothing. Years later driven by a mission to help customers express themselves through fashion relevant style, and how to become a beautiful, classy and elegant woman so we opened bigger stores to sold clothes, accessories, shoes, bags and other fashion items.
After we moved to live in the United States, we were suspending our business aroud 5 years to prepareto changed to online business. Now on CB SHOP US Website www.cbshopus.com, we are a Distributor of famous some of companies provide Cosmetics and Supplement, we still sell all the fashion products, Cosmetics, Skin Care, Supplement, Saffron and more. That “more” is providing the very best customer service, sharing experience to our Client.
CB SHOP US Website www.cbshopus.com is the online retailers and has been helping our customers look more beautiful, classy and elegant we aim to inspire and deliver happiness to customers in a long-term, sustainable way.